这部电影我非常的喜欢,讲故事的方式,还有演员我都非常喜欢。片子的一开始是Mamie (Lisa Kudrow, Friends)在跑,然后被路上的车狠狠的撞到,满脸鲜血,这时画面缩到左半边,右边打出一行字:“She’s not dead.”,接着再打“No one dies in this movie, not on-screen. It’s a comedy, sort of.”,然后再打“What happens next happened twenty years ago.”,开始讲最早的那个故事。有这样的开头,显然让我眼前一大亮。中间仍然继续多次出现画面缩到一边,另外一边接着用文字讲故事。有些文字是直接打破观众可能有的猜想,比如Nicky(Jesse Bradford,Swimfan, Bring It On)把Mamie约出来对她说知道她有个儿子,并且知道他的下落,可以告诉她但条件是要允许他全程跟拍记录片。那段的最后就打出文字:“Nicky never lies. He is not her son, if that’s what you’re thinking. But he does know him.”。有些文字是一股脑把某个人物到死的故事大概都给你讲完,比如Jude(Maggie Gyllenhaal,Mona Lisa Smile, Donnie Darko)终于勾引到Otis有钱的鳏夫老爸Frank后,打出的文字是:“Frank has had sex with 12 women since his wife died. He’s spent $32500 on them, including meals and jewelry and in one case a used Mercedes. | He will have sex with just two more past Jude. | In the last week of his life a nurse will remind him of Jude, and she will think his smiles are for her. | But the one in trouble here is Jude.”。当然也没有告诉你一切,比如Frank的最后两个女人是谁,which you will find out later。整体的故事还是很有趣的,当然也有非常扯淡的片段,但是因为讲故事的方式很有趣也很有效,演员都非常的好,所以整体还是一部非常好看的电影。除了上面提到的人物,还有几个主要人物,Charley(Steve Coogan,Around the World in 80 Days),Javier(Bobby Cannavale,Shall We Dance)。我列出名字的演员都是我很喜欢的,当然有的只是之前一面之缘但就印象很好,一部片子集中了5个这样的演员,我怎么可能不喜欢,嘿嘿。
Happy Endings (2005)