My name is Dalton Russell, pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and never repeat myself. I told you my name, that’s the who. The where can most readily be described as a prison cell. But there is a vast difference from being stuck in a tiny cell and being in prison. The What is easy, recently I planned and set in motion a manse to execute the perfect bank robbery, that’s also the When. As for the why, beyond the obvious financial motivation, it’s exceedingly simple…because I can. Which leaves us only with the How, and therein, as the bard tells us, lies the rub.

Inside Man是06年wide releases里第一部广受好评的电影,而且有着Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster和Clive Owen这样的阵容,我是肯定要看的。故事大意是Dalton (Clive Owen) 精心策划了一场银行抢劫,从抢劫步骤,抢劫对象,和逃脱方案都是非常独特的。Detective Keith (Denzel Washington) 作为谈判专家来和Dalton周旋,不过却似乎总处在劣势。善于利用各种人际关系的Madeline (Jodie Foster) 被银行老板请来试图保守住一个秘密,面对Dalton却同样没有什么办法。虽然我没觉得有评论家说的那么好,但作为一部警匪悬疑片,算是不错了吧。

Inside Man
Inside Man (2006)