去年的短片集后,今年DFS系列继续来了一个短片集,包含了6部动画短片。这6部里我最喜欢的是没得到提名的作为bonus放映的“The Fan and the Flower”,讲一个电风扇和一盆小花之间的爱情,故事搞笑温馨动人,没有用太高深的动画技术,但平实的画风恰到好处。其他的片子,得奖的那部“The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation”算是导演对去世父亲的回忆录,我觉得导演有些太刻薄,对爸爸有些太记仇了。“Badgered”的配音特别突出。“9”的故事很诡异,其中一段好像小鬼当家,画面比较典型的现代3D动画片,很精致。“One Man Band”之前看Cars时就看到了,我觉得很有趣啊很有趣。“The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello”在画面上大概是最有个性的,我不知道该怎么描述,人物都是剪影,但其他的细节都很精细,不过故事有点臭长。这些似乎来自一个DVD,似乎还有一半是非动画的短片,希望有机会也能看一下。

“The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation” (28m/US)
Winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, this film explores the difficult emotional terrain of father/son relationships as seen through the filmmaker’s own turbulent relationship with his father.

“9” (11m/US)
In the shadow of urban desolation, a rag doll must face a monster that is hunting his brethren and stealing their souls. Focus Features is developing a full-length feature based on this short.

“Badgered” (7m/UK)
The tale of a grumpy badger who just wants the world to let him sleep.

“The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello” (27m/AUS)
The story of Jasper Morello, a disgraced aerial navigator who flees his plague-ridden home on a desperate voyage to redeem himself.

“One Man Band” (4m/US)
With one coin to make a wish at the piazza fountain, a peasant girl encounters two street performers who’d prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. (Produced by Pixar.)

Bonus film: “The Fan and the Flower” from Oscar-nominated animator Bill Plympton.

The 2005 Academy-Award Nominated Short Films
The 2005 Academy-Award Nominated Short Films