Chris Garneau最近听歌不是很多,也没有怎么听到真正触动自己的声音。上周末下了好几张专辑,听完一轮,喜欢 Chris Garneau,于是接下来基本上就在专心听他,其中我最喜欢的就是这首 We don’t try。Chris是一个来自纽约的歌手,还很年轻,我听的《Music For Tourists》是他刚发布不久的第一张专辑。他的这张专辑整体上来说都是极为悲伤的,不过如果你能完全不在乎歌词,反倒能听出些温暖来。伴奏多是钢琴,有时加上一点提琴。他的嗓音或者说唱法比较诡异,我最开始一直以为是一个声音比较沙哑的女声-_-。听多了,开始注意歌词了,悲伤就会开始蔓延。他的歌切勿在孤独低落的夜里一个人反复倾听,否则心情恐怕更是会糟的一塌糊涂。听着他唱着,“it’s easy if you cry, ’cause you feel bad for yourself”,听多了恐怕真的会掉出泪来。我昨晚睡觉前听了几遍这首歌,今天上学的路上又不知死活的还跟着哼唱了两次,感觉心脏从胸腔一下就掉落到肚子里,说不出的低落。在这里又看到对 we don’t try 的某种解读,那些本来就非常悲伤无奈的歌词,加上这种解读,变的更加悲伤。而且pretend这个词一般来说对我就是有杀伤力的,just pretend that i’m not sad,我悲伤吗?反正,这整张专辑就是很悲伤,很悲伤。

Chris Garneau – We Don’t Try

We Don’t Try

You say you wanna die,
’cause the things don’t work out right,
But you don’t even try,
though neither do i.

And neither do my friends,
though some of them pretend,
and it’s easy if you cry,
’cause you feel bad for yourself.

I think about my friend who died,
And how her kids didn’t get to say goodbye,
though neither did i,
no neither did i.

And neither did my friends,
though some of them pretend,
and it’s easy if you cry,
’cause you feel bad for yourself.

If you pretend everything’s fine,
i won’t hurt myself or lie,
to you or mom or dad,
just pretend that i’m not sad.

And we’ll work everthing out,
even all the stuff we don’t talk about,
it would be easier if we cried,
we’d feel bad for ourselves.

It’s supposed to snow tonight,
I hope the forecast is right,
’cause in the morning i sleep in till i like,
and if it snowed outiside it would feel so nice in here.