让我们再来听一首慢歌。这两天都处在憋 thesis proposal 的紧张境地,要每天给老板提交新版本听取意见,下周一就要交给committee们了,然后再周一就要小defense了,咳咳,我现在十分惧怕再以后的正式thesis,搞不定啊。我不是一个特别能安安静静做事的人,而戴上耳机听缓的音乐,不会分散注意力,反而会让我精神更容易集中,比较不受外界干扰。想我大四申请时,无数个漫漫长夜就是这么度过的啊。Arco的音乐也很适合用做戴着耳机写东西的时候听,虽然其实他的词都很并不积极向上。这首 All this world,就很消极,但是有点 negative positive 的感觉,我是觉得副歌挺好听。反正是有助于我好好攒论文。

Arco – All This World

all this world

pale and clear the light of dawn
evening’s laughter long gone
even love a forgotten need

draw the shade and face the day
feel illusion float away
hold the dream and let it free

how many strangers d’you have to meet?
how many old friends d’you have to see?
with how many lovers d’you have to sleep?
to know that you’re alone in all this world

feel the fear and let it pass
hear the questions no-one asks
close your eyes and let them see

how many strangers d’you have to meet?
how many times kneel at your god’s feet?
with how many lovers d’you have to sleep?
to know that you’re alone in all this world