一般来说,如果一首歌被苹果选做了广告曲,那基本上这首歌一定会迅速流行。有video功能的肥 ipod nano 的广告用的歌是Feist的1234,那几句歌是已经听的烂熟了,基本上听到“one two three four”就会直接想到nano。但是就一直没注意同样出现在广告中的这首歌的video,要知道肥nano的主打之一就是具备了视频播放功能,选的歌的video想必应该也是很酷的。今天才看到1234的video,没想到居然是一个一气呵成的3分多钟的长镜头!要知道我对长镜头有着本能的喜爱,3分钟虽然不长,但其间的舞蹈编排尤其镜头旋转十分之精彩。开头那段我反复看了很多次想要搞明白这些人是怎么从她身后咻的一下就冒出来的,我猜是在她站定的那几秒钟迅速从后面的门小跑至她身后?总之,我很喜欢这个长镜头的video,很好,很强大。




one, two, three, four,
tell me that you love me more.
sleepless, long nights.
that was what my youth was for.
oh, teenage hopes
arrive at your door
left you with nothing,
but they want some more
oh, oh, oh,
you’re changing your heart.
oh, oh, oh,
you know who you are.

sweetheart, bitterheart,
now i can’t tell you apart.
cozy and cold,
put the horse before the cart.
those teenage hopes,
who have tears in their eyes.
too scared to own up
to one little lie.
oh, oh, oh,
you’re changing your heart.
oh, oh, oh,
you know who you are.

one, two, three, four, five, six, nine, and ten.
money can’t buy you back the love that you had then.

oh, oh, oh,
you’re changing your heart.
oh, oh, oh,
you know who you are.
bada bada bada bada
for the teenage boys,
for breaking your heart.