题目是上篇提到的 of montreal 歌里的一句词,这两天从嗓子疼开始引发了小感冒,鼻子不通,而且那个“上颌窦”有点隐隐作痛,想两年前的四月,我可是被那鬼急性鼻窦炎折腾的睡不了觉,咳咳,春天到了,又是过敏引发炎症的旺季了,要小心要小心。13号晚上,买了提拉米苏和一颗蜡烛,wikipedia给的介绍里说:The Italian name tiramisù means “pick-me-up” (metaphorically, “Make me happy”, although it could have a more sexual meaning), referring to the two caffeine-containing ingredients, espresso and cocoa. 才知道提拉米苏的字面意思原来是这么回事,哈哈。嗯,5。
I’m allergic to the world when we are separated
// April 14th, 2007 // Life
31 Responses to “I’m allergic to the world when we are separated”
[quote comment=”3649″]呵呵,我最爱吃提拉米苏了……[/quote]
[quote comment=”3650″]早在大二的时候我就断言你是小资还不承认,现在,承认了吧?不过现在流行故意称自己不是小资,所以真敢承认的人却又显得有那么点真性情了。[/quote]
[quote comment=”3651″]亲爱的哥哥。生日快乐。^^v[/quote]
不过你这么祝,会不会让人觉得你说的哥哥是指弟弟我?混乱唷。 -
happy birthday.
it is easier to remember.
the day before the deadline of tax file return. and after 4.15, we’ll hear good news.
i have another friend, whose DOB is exactly 4.15 -
[quote comment=”3655″]happy birthday.
it is easier to remember.
the day before the deadline of tax file return. and after 4.15, we’ll hear good news.
i have another friend, whose DOB is exactly 4.15[/quote]
Just to clarify, it’s not my birthday. I’m a Gemini boy. hoho. -
呃…难道我写gg么= =~哈哈。管它的咧。反正快乐的日子多一个就好嘛:P~恩。妈妈说滴对。要注意身体哈^^
北京时间3点,怎么也不是你那边4-5点吧。。夸张…= =
PS: who is sea?
[quote comment=”3658″]狗:我好几天没有上网,放下你的电话才上来看看.没想到你真的鼻子又出问题了!千万要及时吃药.用药.不要小看这个小毛病,许多都是小毛病引发的.明白吗?春季有许多病发证,一定要注意自己的身体,多多保重!!!![/quote]
[quote comment=”3659″]呃…难道我写gg么= =~哈哈。管它的咧。反正快乐的日子多一个就好嘛:P~恩。妈妈说滴对。要注意身体哈^^[/quote]
[quote comment=”3660″]怎么有人会觉得这跟你的生日有关?如果真是如此你岂不是和李源同一个星座从而彻底否定了星座决定性格的论调了吗?[/quote]
[quote comment=”3661″]得意下,^_^,还有电话把你吵醒的时候。。还以为你都半夜不睡的。。北京时间3点,怎么也不是你那边4-5点吧。。夸张…= =
PS: who is sea?[/quote]
ps: I think I’ve mentioned to you before, she is my mother… -
hehe, 要注意身体哦,你妈妈还是那么Fashion么?当年一见,可是让我们都很震撼哦~~~
Someone, happy birthday:)
郁闷啊。。老美今天寄来两封invitation letters(留美时间不同),结果两封的salutation里都把我写成了Mr.Wu,昏倒。。后天就要递交签证材料了。。看来偶只好老老实实等9月再去了。。
[quote comment=”3667″]hehe, 要注意身体哦,你妈妈还是那么Fashion么?当年一见,可是让我们都很震撼哦~~~[/quote]
震撼你个大脑袋 @@
[quote comment=”3669″]郁闷啊。。老美今天寄来两封invitation letters(留美时间不同),结果两封的salutation里都把我写成了Mr.Wu,昏倒。。后天就要递交签证材料了。。看来偶只好老老实实等9月再去了。。[/quote]
晚点到美国就晚点吧,你是来干啥? -
今天装傻把材料交给美商会了,顺利的话,周五就能去签证。。bless me…
美国大学枪案,死亡人数已达33人 凶手为亚裔!!!???
I hope it is far from you. -
Hiahia, fp, you see, everybody knows that you are a “ai4mei4” boy:) -
[quote comment=”3672″]阿爹……我……都不敢说话了>_[/quote]
why not -_-
if you feel something is a little “dangerous”, you can always use english, haha
[quote comment=”3673″]…看了一些留言,感觉关系好混乱。。一如你的风格。。^0^今天装傻把材料交给美商会了,顺利的话,周五就能去签证。。bless me…
[quote comment=”3674″]美国大学枪案,死亡人数已达33人 凶手为亚裔!!!???
I hope it is far from you.[/quote]
挺远的。是个韩国人。我们学校今天也降半旗,中午也同步默哀了。 -
Someone says it is a slur on Asian students, who have been seen as quiet students…My Korean roommate is worried about his application for citizenship after this event. Also, yesterday, people said the murder was a Chinese National who came as F-1 student last yr. I just hope that this tragedy wouldn’t affect the Asian community’s immigration to the US. And hope that VA legitimates gun control. Otherwise, I don’t want to work there!
The shooter moved to US in 1992, though he was not a citizen yet, he pretty much grew up in US, so practically US is more responsible for who he is. Most of his problems should be shared by many young people in US. Of course, some problems may be related to his being an Asian in US.
Anyway, Asians probably will be targeted. And it’s not completely a bad thing. People should realize there is a hugh Asian population in US who haven’t got enough recognition. I read or heard somewhere before that Asians in US are kind of in a worse situation than black people. One proof is there are still not many Asian characters in either movies or tv shows (considering the asian population). Even when there are some Asian characters, most of them are very very stereotypical (working in laundry shop for example, coincidentally and Cho’s parents worked in a dry cleaner…the stereotype will be reinforced….). This lack of recognition would put more cultural pressure on young generation, and they are easy to be lost since it’s hard to find yourself in the mainstream media. Of course, this massacre is getting extremely negative “recognition”. I just think American culture sometimes is not evolving fast enough.
yoyoyo, why was I so serious? -_-
Anyway, fp, everything is OK if you have no problem.
Pig, I don’t know why I always feel afraid recently, perhaps because of the stress coming from the new job. Take care of yourself,promise me!
Who is shoushou? he or she?
you are so gossipy. you don’t know most of the people here, so why bother?
how long are you going to stay in US? if short, will you have chance getting a car? -