大概几个月前,在超市里听到一首老歌,特别熟我都能哼出曲调,连何时最初听的,对它干了啥我都记得,但我就是想不起来是什么歌。一般当遇到这种情况的时候,如果我能记得一两句歌词,那 google 两下就出来了,可这首歌我就是死活不记得任何一句单词,只记得以 “nobody” 开头。当时搜了半天找不到,甚至去问问题网站问过,均告失败。今天决定再找一次,找到了 Midomi 这个网站,你可以唱或哼一段歌,然后他们会对比他们的数据库以及用户上传的歌曲,给出可能的歌曲。于是俺就对这电脑哼了几句,然后,就,查,到,了!哇哈!是 Gee Bees 的 Too Much Heaven。话说这首歌应该是在中学买的某盘欧美流行歌曲合辑里听到的。高中当英语课代表的时候,每周会有一堂是我来放听力练习,我这么无聊的人儿,当然连听力练习也都要玩个花样儿-_-。一般来说听力放完都还有个十几分钟的时间,我就把我那时喜欢或者觉得有趣的英文歌录在一起,在课堂上放,哈。当然,也忍不住放过有趣的中文歌@_@。这次既然找到了是 Gee Bees 这和声三兄弟,就索性把他们的精选辑找了来,然后发现他们和我还有别的渊源,How Deep Is Your Love 也是他们的歌。话说我初三班里元旦晚会时试图唱这首歌,当时是周华健的版本,超紧张然后就忘词,还拿出口袋里的小抄看,丢死人了,咳咳。


Gee Bees – Too Much Heaven


Too Much Heaven

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It’s much harder to come by
I’m waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It’s as high as a mountain
And harder to climb

Oh you and me girl
Got a lot of love in store
And it flows through you
And it flows through me
And I love you so much more
Than my life…I can see beyond forever
Ev’rything we are will never die
Loving’s such a beautiful thing
Oh you make my world..a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away


You and me girl got a highway to the sky
We can turn away from the night and day
And the tears you had to cry
You’re my life…
I can see a new tomorrow
Ev’rything we are will never die
Loving’s such a beautiful thing
When you watching me, the light above
Made for all to see our precious love


Love is such a beautiful thing
You make my world a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away


Nobody gets too much love anymore
It’s as wide as a river and harder to cross