Notes on a Scandal [4/5]

// April 21st, 2007 // Movie

Barbara Covett: People like Sheba think they know what it is to be lonely. But of the drip, drip of the long-haul, no-end-in-sight solitude, they know nothing. What it’s like to construct an entire weekend around a visit to the launderette. Or to be so chronically untouched that the accidental brush of a bus conductor’s hand sends a jolt of longing straight to your groin. Of this, Sheba and her like have no clue.

这部电影好看的很大一部分原因是因为有 Judi Dench 和 Cate Blanchett,尤其是Judi奶奶,她不是那种自然派,你能觉出来她在演,但还是会觉得她把角色刻画的很生动。Barbara是一中学的老教师,Sheba是新来的老师,两人很快就建立了友谊,但这段友谊在格外孤独的Barbara眼中并不那么单纯,尤其当Sheba和不满年龄的男学生有染被Barbara发现之后,两人的关系更加复杂。最近似乎很多电影都在讲孤独这个主题,而这部电影给了我最浓郁的孤独感受。老太太一直在写着日记,而做为观众,你可以看到现实被她如何的解读,如何的被贴上 golden star。当结尾处Barbara孤独的来到山顶的那张长椅,搭讪,寻求陪伴,那种绝望的寂寞感真的非常致命。

Notes On A Scandal
Notes on a Scandal (2006)

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// April 18th, 2007 // Life

最近几天新闻的主题都是 Virginia Tech massacre, 本来就很震惊和悲伤的事情,在今天NBC收到凶手在两次枪击事件的两小时间隔寄出的包含文字照片录像的包裹后,更是又添加了热度。那些照片和录像,其实非常disturbing,NBC的播报员一再重复他们知道播放这些片段在某个角度帮助凶手完成了他的计划,但是他们觉得还是有必要让大家看到这些。录像里他在控诉富家子弟和一些逻辑有些混乱的话,他还提到了 Columbine High School massacre 的两个凶手Eric和Dylan,并称他们为殉道者。想我没多久前才提到美国的校园枪击,当时还是以调侃的口气,没想到这就又发生一起更惨的,咳。看报纸新闻上不间断的报道,看半降下的旗子,心情也难免低沉,似乎觉得现在谈什么快乐的事会有负罪感。其实媒体对这个事件的大幅报道,也引发了一些人的不满,他们觉得每天都有无数的死亡,比如伊拉克,为什么其他死亡不能得到应有的重视。但是,毕竟发生在美国本土,又牵扯到学生,会更容易让人们惶恐和关注吧。多数美国人还是有种幻觉,认为美国还是比其他地方好,文明自由安全,其实这些都是扯淡。



Grindhouse [4.5/5]

// April 14th, 2007 // Movie

A theater playing back-to-back films exploiting sex, violence, and other extreme subject matter.

强烈强烈强烈推荐!好看啊好看!两部完整长度的片子再加上几段伪预告,三个多小时的片子保证看的你兴奋不止啊!Robert Rodriguez 的 Planet Terror 讲述一个化学毒气造成的类僵尸的恐怖片,但是,超级天马行空无拘无束暴力血腥绝对让你大开眼界,哈哈,枪腿女爆猛无比,还有直升飞机大削杀,等等等等,让你拍大腿而起!Quentin Tarantino 的 Death Proof,非典型的公路片,某变态替身特技男撞杀小女子们,结果遇到了猛角色,虽然开场略显沉闷,但撞车场面非常有冲击力,之后的猛女追杀更是看的大快人心,我都忍不住鼓掌哈。而且这两片子还玩 missing reel,都是恰到好处很有效果,哈。当然,还有那几部伪预告片,搞笑死了。这两个人真能折腾!我不好形容这电影为什么好看,但就是特别好看。可以瞅瞅 trailer 稍稍感受一下哈。可恶的是据说美国以外的市场这两部片子会分开上映,电影公司声称是因为其他国家没有grind house文化无法体会,其实恐怕是为了多捞点钱。关键是如果分开看,观赏效果恐怕要打点折扣。但在美国的各位,一定要去影院支持哈,好看的不得了!

Grindhouse (2007)


I’m allergic to the world when we are separated

// April 14th, 2007 // Life

Tiramisu题目是上篇提到的 of montreal 歌里的一句词,这两天从嗓子疼开始引发了小感冒,鼻子不通,而且那个“上颌窦”有点隐隐作痛,想两年前的四月,我可是被那鬼急性鼻窦炎折腾的睡不了觉,咳咳,春天到了,又是过敏引发炎症的旺季了,要小心要小心。13号晚上,买了提拉米苏和一颗蜡烛,wikipedia给的介绍里说:The Italian name tiramisù means “pick-me-up” (metaphorically, “Make me happy”, although it could have a more sexual meaning), referring to the two caffeine-containing ingredients, espresso and cocoa. 才知道提拉米苏的字面意思原来是这么回事,哈哈。嗯,5。


No Conclusion

// April 12th, 2007 // Academic, Life, Music & Show

今天搞定了所有签字,交了 thesis proposal 的申请表,现在计划的 proposal date 是5月21号,咳咳,我现在还没开始写proposal哪。标题才刚决定没几天,写了个abstract。虽然写个10几页就行了,可是还是紧张啊。我大概还有两到三周的时间,咳咳,希望不要太懒。晾一下现在定的标题好了:Search for Exotic Superfluid States through Ultracold Fermions -_-。当然最要命的问题是其中要搞的一个理论方向我现在还是不懂啊,啊啊啊。Anyway,反正也就这样了。

这两天在听我最热爱的乐队 Of Montreal 的新EP,有首9分多钟的长歌,挺不错。和其他多数歌词长的歌不一样,它的曲调并不是简单重复,也是在大跳跃的,像是两三首呼应的小歌并在一起似的。其实 Of Montreal 的很多专辑都可以从头到尾连在一起当首大歌听的。反正,我觉得这歌不错。

Of Montreal – No Conclusion

Tonight I feel like I should just destroy myself
Tonight I feel like I should just explode myself
Tonight I feel like I should just destroy myself
Tonight I feel like I should just explode myself

There’s someone calling my name
But there’s nothing to respond
I lost so much in our collapse
Man, my little hope is gone

The voice said don’t worry friend
The darkness is just a suggestion
Oh don’t worry kid
This darkeness is just a suggestion
Oh don’t worry Kevin

I’m allergic to the world when we’re separated
There’s nothing in my heart that’s worth the beating
Feeling like a styrofoam prop
Ennui is eating
I’m sure we talk and talk
But nothing worth repeating
I feel defeated

Now I’m on your cocksucker blues
You make me uptight
When you just don’t work right
You painted my prison now something’s wrong
And I never ever wanted to write this song

I’m killing myself but it’s not suicide
I’m killing myself
I’m killing myself but it’s not suicide
I’m killing myself
And my friends will never know
Because I’ve never been
Because I’ve never been honest with anyone

Always pulling faces from the unreposessing places of the universal mind
I’m crippled by the world when we’re divided
There’s nothing in my heart that’s worth the clicking
Feeling like a Pamplona bull that’s finished kicking

Although we try to break the loop
It’s always stuck repeating
I feel defeated

Now I’m on your cocksucker blues
You make me uptight
When you just don’t work right
You painted my prison now something’s wrong

And I never ever wanted to write this song
I always thought things would change somehow
And we would start getting along
But it’s hopeless

And i never ever wanted to write this song
I always thought things would change somehow
And we would start getting along
But it’s hopeless